Wildlife photography can definitely be an interesting experience. Especially if you're like me and don't want to sit in one spot for a long time. That's one of the reasons I tend to photograph people. Since people are more-or-less everywhere, I'm going have a much better chance finding random people to photograph compared to wildlife.
Along with the fact I typically don't need to travel far to see a variety of people. Wildlife... not so much.
Back when I first met Amanda, we got to talking via text message ahead of a shoot. And one thing she asked me was, "I read on your website that you prefer photographing people over nature - What is it that you like about photographing people?" And my response was simple, "Diversity. With wildlife photography, unless you're willing to travel or get very creative, you're generally limited in what you're going to find."
So with what limited wildlife options I have nearby where I live, my goal has just simply been to get a better shot of something compared to what I previously have. And I've gotten shots of Great blue herons and bullfrogs before... but nothing like this. Not this up close, at least, especially with the bullfrog.