
Red fox

Finally! After so, so, so many tries to capture this, I was able to capture a shot of this guy tonight. A very gloomy afternoon. Clouds. Rain that came through earlier. And the

Raccoon kits

One of the reasons you need to throw away your trash instead of just walking away and leaving it out on the picnic tables. Their mother was on the table eating what someone


Lucky capture, to say the least. Didn't think I'd still see fawns this late, let alone two with one doe.

Goose in the fog

It was… beautifully miserable earlier this week. Overcast with drizzle and slightly humid, creating a cloud of fog just hovering over the lake.


Patience is a virtue when it comes to photographing wildlife After several weeks of attempts to photograph deer at a nearby park, I finally captured this one. In this instance, this one got


"I think I'm safe up here." “Are you going away anytime soon? I’d really like to get down from this tree but can’t while you’re standing


Dinosaur! Okay, not really… just a common snapping turtle. But it kind of IS a dinosaur given it’s been around for nearly 90 MILLION years. The species, not this individual, obviously.