Street portraits


She's reading Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid. (Amazon affiliate link.)

Revisiting Hannah

Original: Hannah, shot on May 3, 2020 This is my first revisit, where I go back to some of my favorite photos and re-edit them using my current strategies to see if I


On occasion a randoms stranger that I photograph will provide feedback beyond just "these look great!" platitudes. Jessica's feedback was to say that she doesn't "look


Saw her sitting on the bench in her hunter green dress looking around. Doesn't speak English all that much, so Google Translate to the rescue!


She's from Kansas City but currently lives in Albuquerque. She was back in town for a wedding.


She's from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and she was in Kansas City for the 4th of July at Antioch Park. Luckily for us, there was a hawk that decided to grab a


Coda is an Australian Cattle Dog mixed with a pit bull... I recognized the spots so could see the healer part. And then saw the pit part when I got a look at


This one almost didn't happen. I saw her from a distance while she was sitting, liked what she was wearing, and thankfully was able to catch her to ask to photograph