Street portraits


This was somewhat unexpected. Not the part where I was photographing a young woman wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. But more what happened while I was doing it. Whenever she heard the shutter


At first I thought I wouldn't be able to photograph her. When I first saw her, it looked like she was on her phone, then I saw her sitting with someone


Book she's reading: All About Love by Bell Hooks (Amazon affiliate link)


Last year I wrote about journaling after meeting Carly, as she sat on a rock writing in her journal. And this morning at Antioch Park, I met Annita. At first I thought she


After photographing Mimi, I walked further down the road and met Cristel. There was still some light left, so why not ask to take shots of her?


Now we're past Labor Day. Sliding toward Autumn, the sun now setting earlier and rising later. I've typically preferred the #sunsets and the #sunset light that comes with late


Last drops of light available, no external light on me. Going into this, I wasn't entirely expecting something to come out. Book she's reading: Tomie: Complete Deluxe Edition (affiliate


One of my rules for random encounters is not approaching people who are on a call. Such was the case when I first encountered Kailey. But I made a note of where she


Thankfully the officer wasn't able to get her attention, or she would've moved her car and I would've missed my opportunity.

Going into work

She got called into work. But before going in, she decided to spend part of the dusk hours trying to unwind at Werner Park. As we were walking out back to our cars,