River Market District

River Market District in Kansas City, Missouri (Photos taken within the City Market are tagged separately)


Welcome to 2025! Though the last couple years I've been able to get an early start with street portraits, the weather had other plans this year. Not only frigid cold, but


Her bag caught my attention, so I wanted to make it a feature in the shot.


After photographing Meighan, I saw Emily sitting waiting for the streetcar up the road. Thankfully it wasn't expected to arrive for a few minutes.


Along Delaware walking south toward 5th, I saw her from across the street and knew I needed to get a shot of her. We'd actually cross paths a couple more times


Got to the 4th and Delaware train stop a little after photographing Sadie. Meranda wasn't there, despite the event being supposedly going till 2pm. So walking around, I noticed Markelle sitting


Back at the River Market District in the north side of downtown Kansas City, Missouri. Meranda was supposed to be finishing out the last of her art installation at the 4th and Delaware