Plus size

Plus-size women


When I asked if I could photograph her, she said she wanted to ask me to take her photo but wasn't sure about asking for it. My guess being she thought


The days are slowly getting shorter as we approach the Autumnal Solstice, so that means trying to get more night and dusk random encounters. Keri was gracious to participate in that evening'


This one almost didn't happen. I saw her from a distance while she was sitting, liked what she was wearing, and thankfully was able to catch her to ask to photograph


Turkey Creek is typically very shallow. Getting down into the canal is pretty easy, as you can just climb down the wall at one of several points. Campbell Park is one I'

Latina friends

Walking along the dam, both killing time and trying to find a prospect, I noticed these two kept looking at me. And I presume also my camera. They tried taking some shots a


Walking by the spillway, she saw me and said "Nice camera!" I replied,"Thanks. Let's see what we can do with it."


Welcome back to daylight saving time. And this week is also Spring Break for the local public school systems. But it's definitely not feeling like Spring. The daytime high topped out