

Last light was on the horizon. Mari and her friend were on one of the hills overlooking the boardwalk pond at Antioch Park. I wanted to see if I could make it work.

Two more friends

I was looking around for things to photograph. And actually having a little bit of fun seeing how well my camera and lens could pick up the frogs that were very well camouflaged

Latina friends

Walking along the dam, both killing time and trying to find a prospect, I noticed these two kept looking at me. And I presume also my camera. They tried taking some shots a

Two friends

Another disappointing sunset, but thankfully these two young women came across while there was still some light behind them. Still needed to use the flash, though.

Colorful hair

I saw them walking down the trail, noticed the bluish hair color for the one, and said when I was closer, "I love your hair. May I take a quick shot of

Nevaeh and Avery

I was walking along the dam trying to kill time ahead of a sunset. These two were trying to take shots or make videos with their phones, so I tried to stay out

A couple and a friend

They unfortunately don't speak English all that great, but just enough to let me ask if I would photograph them. Note to self: start learning Spanish...

High school friends

Walking around a hill on the west side of the lake, I encountered these two. The one in the leggings and Uggs was laying flat on the grass in the sun, almost looking

KU friends

Similar to several other random encounters I've had, they were trying to take photos of each other with a cell phone. I was walking by when I spotted them and, after

Laura and Brianna

Laura and Brianna were parked on the side of the road for the sunset. Absolute last possible moments of light before it was gone completely till dawn. Night and dusk photography is a