City Market

City Market in the River Market District of Kansas City, Missouri


First day of December and it was cold. But that didn't mean there wasn't street portraits to be had. It just meant really needing to keep an eye out


This was a very slow day at the City Market, so much so that I almost thought I wasn't going to get anyone. Then I saw Lasondra walking down the alley

Navy band at the City Market

We don't see the Navy much in Kansas City, so seeing Navy personnel walking around the City Market was eye-catching. I saw the Chief first. She was walking to the coffee


I liked how she looked, and she decided to... ham it up a little.


I walked by her stand a few times while I was at the City Market, but didn't feel comfortable asking her for a photo unless I bought something. So I decided

Crystal & Hailey

I saw Crystal first, and Hailey came into the picture while Crystal was filling out her information into a contact form. So I took it as a moment to get a shot of

Info desk, part 3

As I was wrapping up my time up at the City Market, I decided to make another trip by the information desk now. And in talking with the info desk girl again, I