Antioch Park

Antioch Park in Merriam, Kansas


This was an exercise in how to approach a woman with a dog. Gramma the bulldog was quite... worn out after a long walk around the park. But she still had enough energy

How should we pose?

They got a little flustered trying to figure out how to pose. Meanwhile I was just shooting shots while they tried to decide. Then at the end I gave a direction of what


When I see an adorable woman sitting on a bench, I just have to take advantage of that. At the time she was with a group celebrating a graduation, but had temporarily broken


Mother's Day at Antioch Park and I found Rita and her Shih Tzu off on a bench out of the way of everything else going on. A bench I've


Just another adorable young woman with a great natural smile reading her Bible.


I could tell pretty quick she's a model when she started shifting up her pose slightly with every shutter press. But that wasn't all. She actually had a photoshoot


Always great seeing a father and son having some... fun.


After a goose rescue the preceding evening, the Z5 I normally use was temporarily out of commission for cleaning. Which it desperately needed cleaned anyway, especially the lens. And a full clean required