Antioch Park

Antioch Park in Merriam, Kansas


Coda is an Australian Cattle Dog mixed with a pit bull... I recognized the spots so could see the healer part. And then saw the pit part when I got a look at


This one almost didn't happen. I saw her from a distance while she was sitting, liked what she was wearing, and thankfully was able to catch her to ask to photograph


Last light was on the horizon. Mari and her friend were on one of the hills overlooking the boardwalk pond at Antioch Park. I wanted to see if I could make it work.


A lot of kids in colorful attire were swarming Antioch Park when I saw Shy sitting on the bench. Had to wait for them to clear out, but there were still a couple


Under the gazebo in the rose garden, I noticed that her two friends ran off from her. My guess being they ran to the restrooms near the admin buildings when the one adjacent

Two more friends

I was looking around for things to photograph. And actually having a little bit of fun seeing how well my camera and lens could pick up the frogs that were very well camouflaged


I see a lot of dog walkers around the parks. Not often I see one who was walking around barefoot. Wasn't even going to try to do anything about the plastic


Uncommon weekday afternoon outing, but I needed to run to Lowe's for a couple small parts and decided to detour by Antioch Park. A lot of kids around for something it


The boardwalk pond at Antioch Park has been overrun by green dust algae - sometimes completely covered by it. I'm actually surprised there's anything still alive in it, to

Other friend

After Ashley, I got a couple shots of the other friend. The direction on the first one unfortunately didn't go as I hoped, and I wasn't going to force