Antioch Park

Antioch Park in Merriam, Kansas


When you're photographing the flowers in Antioch Park's rose garden and come across a hot woman sitting on one of the benches, what's your next step? Mine


I mentioned before that 2024 seems to be the year of repeats. First with unexpectedly crossing paths with people I photographed last year (Valerie and Meranda, specifically), and now crossing paths with those

Spiritual awakening

She's reading Fragments from the Teachings of Meishu-sama. (Amazon affiliate link.) Meishu-sama was born Mokichi Okada in 1882, and his followers gave him the title "Meishu sama", meaning "


She's reading Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid. (Amazon affiliate link.)


On occasion a randoms stranger that I photograph will provide feedback beyond just "these look great!" platitudes. Jessica's feedback was to say that she doesn't "look


Saw her sitting on the bench in her hunter green dress looking around. Doesn't speak English all that much, so Google Translate to the rescue!


She's from Kansas City but currently lives in Albuquerque. She was back in town for a wedding.