Antioch Park

Antioch Park in Merriam, Kansas


Like a few others in recent weeks, this was pretty much at the end of the light. At f/4.5 and 1/160 on the shutter, auto-ISO, the camera selected ISO-5000 for


I initially saw her from a distance while sitting near the boardwalk. And yeah, she's tall. About as tall as me if she wasn't "cheating" by wearing


Shea is a new-age enthusiast. Spiritual. Connecting with nature and the universe. She also grew up right off Antioch Park but never really explored beyond the northeast corner of the park near the


There are plenty of times I see a woman in the distance that I'd like to photograph and hope that our paths cross. And Mercedes was one such case. And it


Is it me or does she look a lot like Ashley Johnson? And I mean no less than a striking resemblance.


It was a gorgeous late afternoon and evening with the daytime high not even reaching 80°F. Perfect evening to be at the park, even if you're just reading a book


Like with Denise, I saw her sitting in the rose garden at Antioch Park. The long blue and white dress had my attention, same with the book in her lap. Only regret was


It was about 8pm when I first saw her at Antioch Park. The light was waning, and only waning faster than in previous weeks. Definitely not ideal circumstances for trying to take a