Antioch Park

Antioch Park in Merriam, Kansas


I said before with Lexi that it isn't often a subject just walks right in front of me. But when I saw her from a distance, like with Abby earlier that


The end of Daylight Saving Time now means a very compressed block of time in which to find people to photograph on some days. Since on Saturdays I typically only went out in


Meeting her and photographing her, she reminded me of Shea from the first time I met her. Only it was a bit colder this time around. But the scarf was a great accessory


At first I saw her sitting at the base of the tree just working in her notebook. Then later I noticed that she pulled off her hood, showing her beautiful hair.


Very windy afternoon at the park with heavy clouds in the sky and a cold front on the horizon bringing storms with it. So, in short, I was pretty lucky to find Mandy


You might recognize her from when I photographed her earlier this year. I tried to arrange a photo shoot with her as well after that shot did surprisingly well on Instagram, but nothing


Not often you see someone with glasses frames that match their shirt...


Though I had a very successful day at the City Market, I decided to go back to Antioch Park before the sunset. Despite a LOT of photography groups around the area, I still

The dog collar

Obviously how the woman camera-left appears is what caught my attention and ultimately decide to approach them for a photo. I was walking toward the north pond when they had just parked and