Preparing for a shoot

Every photographer does things a little bit different, but we do have a lot of common ground on what we expect from clients and models during a photo shoot, including preparing for one. Below is largely what we'll expect from you.

Ground rules

  1. Let's have fun!
  2. Anxiety is normal! We fully understand that photo shoots can be intimidating. Cameras make a lot of people anxious. Being photographed in a public place may also make you anxious. This is perfectly normal! We will absolutely do our best to help you relax. Please let us know in advance if you have had issues with anxiety so we can accommodate that. And please let us know if you're finding it difficult to relax during the shoot.
  3. If you are uncomfortable in any way, say something! If you're not comfortable, you're not having fun. And we want this to be fun for you. Uncomfortable about any direction we're giving you? Questions or concerns about anything at all during the shoot? Please, speak up! We want you comfortable and relaxed so we can make great photos.
  4. Tell us if you change your mind! You always have the option to back out! Again we fully understand that photo shoots can be intimidating. If you feel you can't do it, whatever the reason, tell us. We very much prefer you back out, even if it's last minute (though we definitely prefer it not be last minute), than arrive on location uncomfortable or anxious and unable to relax. And telling us you're backing out is also far better than saying you need to reschedule and then never doing it, or failing to show or ghosting us.
  5. Share your ideas! Photo shoots should be collaborative. We don't expect you to come to the shoot with a list of ideas ready to go, but ideas may come to mind as we go, so be sure to share them. Don't worry, though, if you don't come up with anything. It's nice if it happens, but not something we expect.


  1. Bring a friend! If you can, we advise you bring a friend or family member, especially if anxiety might be an issue for you. Do not bring your significant other or spouse, or an ex-. We've had issues with both a current significant other and ex-significant other in the past, as have a lot of photographers.
  2. Bring something to drink. Please bring something with you to drink, regardless of how short of a time block we scheduled. Water or a sports drink is best. Soda or anything carbonated is not advised. No alcohol. If it's cold outside, bring a warm drink in a thermos or insulated container - again, no alcohol, especially in cold weather.
  3. Clothing. Be mindful of the weather and location. Select colors that won't blend into the background. For example, if the shoot will be at a public park in spring or summer, avoid anything dominant green. Anything reasonably colorful is always going to go well with fall and winter outdoor shoots. Reach out if you have any questions about what you intend to wear.
  4. Makeup. No makeup is actually preferred with us, but we understand you may not be comfortable with that. So if you feel you must wear makeup, please keep it simple, keep it light. Less absolutely is more here. And don't forget to bring it with you so you can touch up as needed.
  5. Reschedule if you have a breakout. Makeup can actually make a breakout worse or more difficult to treat. And it may make it stand out more in your photos. And trying to cover up a significant breakout with makeup is never flattering.
  6. Multiple outfits. Reach out in advance of the shoot if you're planning on multiple outfits so we can account for this. Same if you need to change on location - e.g. you're coming from work or class and did not have time to change. We have a "portable changing room", but we don't bring it to an outdoor shoot unless we know we need it. Depending on location and time of year, public restrooms might be available. We may also restrict the shoot to a single outfit.
  7. Shoes. Please be mindful of the location in deciding what shoes to wear. If you're planning to wear heels in your shots, please bring regular shoes for your own safety while walking. There is absolutely no guarantee the shoot location will be friendly to walking in heels. And we may advise you not wear heels at all due to the location.
  8. Accessorize! This can include sunglasses, necklaces, earrings, rings (avoid large settings), bracelets, anklets, or a watch. (Note: you don't need all of this.) Small details can add a lot to your photos. But don't go overboard. They should add to a shot without drawing attention.
  9. Props. If you want to bring something with you for a prop, please let us know in advance so we can account for it. We also reserve the right to disallow any props. And the location may also advise against it or also completely disallow it or disallow certain props.

Hard rules

Violating any of these rules will result in the shoot being canceled, even if we're in the middle of it. These rules also apply to anyone with you. We also reserve the right to terminate the shoot for any reason not listed here as explained in your contract.

  1. No smoking. No smoking of cigarettes or similar products at all at any time before or during the shoot. And we reserve the right to cancel the shoot if you arrive noticeably smelling like cigarettes. And the location may deny you entry for that. If you feel you cannot go the duration of a shoot without smoking, look into alternatives like nicotine gum or a nicotine patch.
  2. No smokeless tobacco products, either. Again if you don't feel you can go the duration of the shoot without using dip or chewing tobacco, look into alternatives.
  3. Vaping only during a break. And this is only for outdoor shoots, too, since many indoor locations do not allow vaping, considering it no different than smoking in their policies. I have no issue with you vaping during a break or transition - e.g., walking to a different part of the location. But no vaping when we're trying to take photos.
  4. No alcohol. No alcohol consumption before or during a shoot. And we will cancel on the spot if you arrive noticeably smelling like alcohol.
  5. No illicit substances. And we may report you to law enforcement if we see you in possession of anything illicit, since your possession puts me and anyone I have with me at risk with law enforcement. This also means...
  6. No marijuana. Yes it's legal in Missouri, but it isn't in Kansas. So for that reason we cannot allow marijuana possession even if the shoot is on the Missouri side of the metro. This includes hemp cigarettes and CBD products.
  7. Don't arrive already under the influence. We will cancel the shoot on the spot. Same if you or anyone with you arrives noticeably smelling like marijuana. And if you drove to the shoot and arrive noticeably under the influence, we will report you to law enforcement.
  8. Respect the location. No littering or vandalism. Don't harass or attack any wildlife or stray animals. Don't harass or interfere with other people at the location.
  9. Respect the photographer and any crew. Don't give us a hard time and everything should go smoothly.