Photo shoot

Photo shoot

Featured photo: Thai sisters

A need or desire for new photographs can arise at any time for any reason. Whether it's due to a life event (e.g., maternity), needing updated family shots, or even just for the hell of it. Whatever the reason, let's discuss it. And browse through my other photo shoots as well to get an idea of what I can do.

Note: if you're looking for senior or grad pictures, go here.

Outdoor shoot

Athena and her mother, Tori

This can be at a public park, walking downtown, or really anywhere we otherwise would have a right to be. For private property that is publicly accessible, they must not have a rule against photography.

Studio shoot

Anna at MotiveKC

For a studio shoot, I rent a private studio space through MotiveKC in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. You will have the option of either their 101 studio (downstairs) or 201 studio (upstairs). So browse their site so you can see the layout and look of each studio before deciding.

Other locations

Outdoors and MotiveKC aren't the only options available. Let's discuss whatever location you have in mind - e.g., your home or backyard, Union Station, etc.

What to expect

Session. Your shoot will be between 60 and 90 minutes, with the possibility it'll run longer.

Photos. You'll get all the digitals that turn out in about 1 to 2 weeks.

What do I need from you

Fill out the form below providing the required information, and I'll reach out via your preferred method of contact to discuss your photo shoot. This might include scheduling a phone call, but that'll depend on what you're after.

If you do not see a form below to fill out, you can access the form here.