Featured photo: Lyn
Are you pursuing modeling and need more shots for your portfolio? Or have you been curious about what a modeling shoot is like? Reach out using the form below and let's talk about it.
Who is this for?
Again, this is for those who are curious about modeling or building a portfolio to become established. This is not for established models or models represented by an agency. And by "established", I mean you're regularly getting work as a model.
If you are an agent looking for a modeling shoot for your client, please instead have your client contact me directly.
Don't think you need to be the stereotypical "model" type. Whether you're average, plus size, athletic, I care more that you look healthy. Tattoos are fine as well so long as they are not excessive or offensive - per my sole discretion. I have no issues with piercings either so long as, again, they're not excessive.
You must, however, be at least 18 years old and out of high school.
Looking through this site should give you an idea of who I'm willing to work with. And you can view the various modeling shoots I've already done.
What you get
Your shoot will be "TFP" or "Time for Prints". In other words, you won't be paid for your time. The photos will be your compensation.
You will receive all shots that turn out from the shoot, along with license to post them to social media and use as part of your portfolio. If you do post them to social media, you are expected to tag me or link to my social media or website.
What do I need from you?
Fill out the form below, providing all required information.
Include one headshot (e.g., a "passport photo") and at least one standing full-frontal shot to at least below the knee. You can provide additional shots if you wish. If you have tattoos that are normally visible, please include additional shots with those tattoos if necessary - e.g., a shot from behind if you have tattoos on the back of your shoulder or leg.
Read this page - Preparing for a Photo Shoot - to get an idea of what I expect from you. It should also answer most if not all questions you may have - e.g., "Can I bring a friend?" But use my contact page if there's anything you feel I need to clarify so that page can be updated.
Your privacy is also extremely important. All information and photos you send will be kept confidential.
Contract? Model release?
You will be signing a contract (I really hope that isn't a surprise), and I'll get the required additional details if I reach out about booking you. The contract will detail what your photo shoot will be, where and when it'll happen, what you'll get, along with other typical legalities (copyright, liability waivers, etc.).
It will also include a model release that will allow me to use the photos for my own purpose. I won't sell or license any of the shots to any third party without consulting with you first for additional paperwork. A selection of the photos may be posted to this website along with Instagram and Flickr, or included in a future issue of my magazine.
If you don't see a form below to fill out, you can access it here.