Featured photo: Mar
Candid and casual. That's a micro-shoot in a nutshell. Very similar to how I take street portraits, only you're taking chance out of the equation.
Featured encounter: Jaclyn
How does this work
It's just a matter of us crossing paths. So you decide where you'll be and what you'll be doing, along with when.
Whether that's reading a book or doing something on your phone or tablet, just relaxing on a bench, walking a path or trail or even just down the sidewalk. Where I find you is how I photograph you.
This will be a very short photo shoot, like the embedded clip above - maybe a few minutes at most. I will give some posing direction, but it won't be anything like a mini-shoot or photo shoot.
And you'll get one or a few edited shots within a day or two to your preferred contact method.
Only... you can't be just anywhere
Ideally it should be public property (e.g., State, county, or city park, public school, or other government property) or a public easement (e.g., sidewalk or alleyway).
Private locations that are publicly accessible may work if they don't explicitly have a rule against non-commercial photography or if it's accessible from a public easement or sidewalk - e.g., an outdoor seating area at a restaurant or café. Some indoor areas may work as well, again provided there isn't a rule against non-commercial photography.
Have a few locations in mind when I reach out and I'll advise on what will work.
What do I need from you?
Just fill out the form below providing the needed information. Include a selfie or other photo of you so I know what you look like. I'll reach out about location, scheduling, and payment.
And be sure to read this page as well to get an idea of what we expect from you - Preparing for a Shoot.
If you do not see a form below to fill out, you can access the form here.