... at face value

... at face value

... at face value is my magazine publication featuring photos you'll find on this site. It was started in 2024 with back issues created first to feature the street photography and photo shoots (both planned and impromptu) from 2019 onward.

For the best experience, I do highly recommend viewing these magazines on a desktop, laptop, or tablet. Your experience, especially with the landscape-oriented photos (e.g., Hannah) is going to be far better compared to viewing these on a phone.

Why "... at face value"?

This wasn't the first name I chose. That was "Street & Studio", but the name didn't make sense since I've only had one studio shoot as of October 2024 when this magazine went live - that being Andrea with her eldest daughter Anna at MotiveKC in June 2023.

So I turned to an AI tool to help generate a title. And one of the names that came up with the prompt "Magazine featuring portraits of random people taken in public" was, simply, "Face Value". So I took that and just amended it.

Which makes sense for naming a magazine featuring mostly street portraiture. My reasoning differed from the AI tool's reasoning. For me the name plays on photographing people how I find them or how they show for a photo shoot. I don't make any calls regarding makeup, though I do prefer no makeup, and it's rare I make any call with what she's wearing. And with street portraiture, there's obviously no calls to be made about anything, including setting and time of day.

In short, I take people ... at face value.
