Welcome back to daylight saving time. And this week is also Spring Break for the local public school systems.
But it's definitely not feeling like Spring. The daytime high topped out in the low 40s°F with a wind chill hovering around freezing. With the temperature going down near freezing as the sun went down, and the wind chill going well below freezing.
That still didn't stop people from trying to get new shots for their social medias. And that was the case with Lexi.
I have no idea what her friend was trying to do either before I asked if I could take shots of her. I'll do my best to set the scene. The friend was laying on the rocks - which with the temperature and wind was... ill-advised, in the kindest terms - pointing the cell phone camera up at Lexi while Lexi was standing over her...
I wish I caught a shot of that as it was... awkward. Anyway...