This was somewhat unexpected. Not the part where I was photographing a young woman wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. But more what happened while I was doing it.
Whenever she heard the shutter click, she switched up her pose. I call this "self direction". (Don't know if there's an industry term for it.) Give the model a starting pose and let them take it from there. Periodically giving the model a new pose to start from or a change to the existing pose.
On a photo shoot, it's a godsend when you have a model who is like this. I've had three thus far: Angie, Lyn, and Tori. And it's a godsend simply because the photographer or director doesn't need to give all the direction.
The downside for the photographer is you end up with a LOT more exposures than initially planned. But you get so many variations on poses that culling just becomes a matter of finding the best example(s) of a particular pose. Still more time consuming simply due to sheer volume. But, again, far better results compared to when the photographer or director is trying to call all the shots.
And that's also how you turn a random encounter into an impromptu photo shoot. Sort of.