Crystal & Hailey

Crystal & Hailey

I saw Crystal first, and Hailey came into the picture while Crystal was filling out her information into a contact form. So I took it as a moment to get a shot of Hailey, then shots of the two of them together. Despite the forecast for the afternoon calling for clouds, a break came through when Hailey showed up.

And I did not initially notice the scars on Crystal's leg below her knee, what appear to be leftovers from pins being used to stabilize broken bones. And I was torn on whether I should edit those out.

But... they're plainly visible.

Crystal is wearing a one-piece dress, which is what caught my attention from the distance. And she's showing off her amazing legs. And the scars. So I ultimately decided to keep them in the shots. Not editing them out in any way, including not cropping the shots to above them.

This goes to what I've said to others is my editing policy: "true to life". While I have no issue using Photoshop to downplay acne - e.g., Shea and Miraldy - there's a big difference between doing that and removing Crystal's scars: acne will eventually go away.

Crystal's scars, very likely, won't.

And it's clear she's comfortable showing off her amazing legs despite the scars. So I feel I'd be doing her a disservice cropping or editing them out.